palette Pen Color:
draw Pen Size: 2
width Canvas Width: 350 px
height Canvas Height: 200 px
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Transform your freehand drawings into professional autographs with AI Autograph Maker. Enhance strokes, curves, and style effortlessly. Create, customize, and download your polished signature now!

How to Use AI Autograph Maker Tool

Select Pen Color

Navigate to the "Pen Color" section within the tool interface. Click on the color picker, initiating the opening of a dialog for color selection. Proceed to choose the desired color for your signature and subsequently close the color picker.

Choose Pen Size

Within the "Pen Size" section, exercise control over the thickness of your signature lines. Manipulate the pen size slider to establish your preferred stroke thickness, with the current value visibly displayed adjacent to the slider.

Choose Canvas Size

In the "Canvas Width" and "Canvas Height" sections, fine-tune the dimensions of the signature canvas. Utilize the sliders to set the width and height of the canvas according to your specifications, with the current values prominently displayed alongside the sliders.


Employ your mouse or touch input to craft your signature on the canvas. Feel free to infuse creativity and uniqueness into the design.


Upon completion of your signature, locate the option to download it as an image file. Click on the download button to save your signature as a .png image, featuring a transparent background.